Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover Financing

A mommy makeover is a combination of several common procedures performed during the same operation, aimed to address weight gain and skin stretching in the abdomen, and loss of firmness in the breasts, experienced after birthing and breastfeeding. Most commonly, the procedures include a breast lift, a tummy tuck and liposuction, but can also include breast augmentation, and labiaplasty or scar revision, depending on if a cesarean delivery method was required for childbirth.

Mommy Makeover Financing from Credit Medical

Here are just some of the mommy makeover procedures covered by Credit Medical:

  • Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
  • Breast Lift & Augmentation
  • Buttock Lift
  • Labiaplasty
  • CoolSculpting®
  • Scar Revision
  • Liposuction
  • Rhytidectomy (Face Lift)

Common Mommy Makeover Procedures and Treatments

Find out more about common surgical cosmetic procedures and treatments covered by Credit Medical

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

During a tummy tuck, your surgeon will make an incision along your bikini line, and pull down the loose skin and muscle, tightening the abdominal area. Extra skin and muscle is removed and the incision closed. Some women with urinary incontinence also choose to have a small piece of extra tissue placed near the bladder, which can help regulate urinary flow.

Breast Augmentation

For women who feel their breasts are out of proportion with the rest of their body, breast augmentation can create a shapelier, fuller figure and can also provide an emotional lift. Typically, these implants are made from a saline solution or silicone gel.

Buttock Lift

Buttock lift procedures are designed to remove skin and fat from the buttock area. By tightening the skin, surgeons can reshape the area for a slimmer, more attractive appearance. Liposuction is often used in conjunction with buttock lifts to remove excess fat, as it causes very little scarring.

Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation uses implants to reshape and define the chin area. Incisions are done inside the mouth to eliminate visible scarring.


Liposuction is sometimes used prior to the tummy tuck to help get rid of larger, more stubborn, fat deposits, particularly near the abdomen and around the love handles. Other areas, like the hips and thighs, which may have gain fat during pregnancy can also be liposuctioned.


Occasionally during childbirth, a woman’s labia minora (the hairless inner labia) stretches substantially, causing them to stretch beyond the protective labia majora. This can be not only embarrassing, but also uncomfortable. Sensitivity in the labia minora can cause chafing, making exercise and sexual activity uncomfortable. During a labiaplasty, excess skin is removed and the incision closed. After the patient has healed, her labia will be both functional and protected by the labia majora.

Scar Revision

While many cesarean section procedures result in scars which are barely noticeable, especially under clothing, there may be times when scarring is raised, discolored or painful. A scar revision can help create a more subtle appearance. During the procedure, your surgeon will reopen the c-section incision, and very carefully reclose it with dissolvable stitches, reducing the size of the scar. Often, scar revisions will be done in conjunction with a tummy tuck.


CoolSculpting® uses a process called cryolipolysis to cool small amounts of fat in the thighs, lower back, belly and sides to a freezing temperature. While not as effective a treatment for obesity, CoolSculpting® can help reduce stubborn fat not easily shed by normal diet and exercise. During a CoolSculpting® treatment, the area to be targeted is held between two paddles for anywhere between 30 minutes to 1 ½ hours. During this time, the paddles cool quickly, freezing and destroying between 20 to 25% of the fat cells in the area. Final results are not noticeable until several months after the procedure, during which time the body filters and excreets the dead fat cells through the liver.

Rhytidectomy (Face-lift)

A face lift tightens aging skin in the face and neck, resulting in smoother skin and the restoration of a more youthful appearance. Excess skin is removed and wrinkles disappear. Face lifts are frequently done in conjunction with other facial surgeries.

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