Credit Medical Loans | Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery | Otoplasty [ Ear ] Procedure

Credit Medical Loans | Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery | Otoplasty [ Ear ] Procedure

Procedures2015 Cosmetic Procedures Otoplasty [Ear] Surgery

Financing Otoplasty [ Ear ] Surgery

Credit Medical offers affordable cosmetic and plastic surgery loans. Call us at 1-800-270-9290 to inquire about financing your surgery.



Ear Surgery, also known as a otoplasty, is a popular elective surgery that can improve the shape, proportion or position of the ear. 

Otoplasty can correct a defect in the ear shape that is present at birth and becomes more apparent with age or it can improve ear shape caused by injury.

Ear surgery creates a more natural shape, while bringing balance and proportion to the ears and face. Correction of even minor deformities can have profound benefits to appearance and self-esteem.


Ear Surgery Cost

Ear surgery costs can vary widely but according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons the average cost is approximately $4,250. The cost for the surgery will be based on the surgeon's experience, the type of procedure used, and even the geographic location of the office. 

When choosing a certified plastic surgeon, remember that the surgeon's experience and how comfortable you feel with them are just as important as the final cost of the surgery.

Ear Surgery and Health Insurance 

Typically most private health insurance plans will not cover elective surgery, related complications or another surgery to alter the appearance of your ears.

Some procedures however may be covered by health insurance, particularly when it is performed to relieve medical symptoms or to restore hearing function. Your plastic surgeon may need to obtain authorization from your insurer for the surgery and may require a letter and the submission of photographs. Once an authorization is obtained, you will be able to schedule your surgery. 

If your health plan does not cover all of the surgical costs, you may decide to pay for the surgery yourself. This is where we can come in - Credit Medical can provide you with the credit you deserve.


Apply for an Ear Surgery Loan Today


Voici quelques uns de nos nombreux avantages:

  • Approbation de crédit rapide et facile
  • Aucun versement initial ou garantie
  • Confidentialité assurée
  • Taux d'intérêt concurrentiels
  • Taux d'intérêt fixe pendant toute la durée du prêt
  • Modalités de paiement flexibles (6 mois à 5 ans)
  • Empruntez le montant que vous désirez > (minimum 1000$)
  • Les prêts sont ouverts et peuvent être payés au complet sans pénalité